Cincinnati landlords must maintain apartment temperature at 70 degrees or face fines

Posted By: Pat. Crowley (deleted) Legislative,

The Cincinnati Health Department is reminding landlords that they can be fined each day for failing to provide a minimum temperature of 70 degrees inside apartment units once outside temperatures fall below 60 degrees for 24 consecutive hours.

According to the health department, landlords can face fines of up to $300 for the first day and $750 for each additional day they do not supply "adequate heat". Landlords can also face criminal charges for not complying with the board's temperatures requirements.

"The reason for the lack of heat does not matter," said the health department's Antonio Young told WCPO. "Landlords must follow the law and apartments must be adequately heated."

If the heat is out because of a large repair, like a furnace or boiler replacement, landlords can provide temporary heating options by giving tenants space heaters that can provide them with at least 70 degrees of heat within the living space. If space heaters are not available, landlords can provide temporary housing like a short-term hotel stay instead.