Housing Mediation Service

HMS helps prevent, manage, and peacefully resolve conflicts.

Need help resolving disputes with residents?
The Housing Mediation Service offers help for owners, managers and residents who have disagreements with each other over housing issues- and there is no charge for the service.

Through Housing Mediation Service, those disputes, disagreements, and/or perceptions of bias can be clarified and resolved in a confidential, informal, but structured process. Improved communication leads to safer, more stable and desirable communities.

Over 90% of the cases mediated by Housing Mediation Service have been resolved successfully!

  • Assume control of the conflict Mediation works because you control the results. The goal is an agreement that you help create. Key to this are the ideas that you come up with. The mediator’s job is to guide everyone through the process leading to a resolution of your dispute.
  • Take responsibility for identifying issues underlying the dispute
  • Suggest options
  • Resolve conflicts when possible
  • Devise plans for action

The mediator does not take sides, make judgments or tell people what to do.

  • Remains impartial and doesn’t judge participants
  • Directs the process

Therefore, it is important for you to do some homework to prepare for mediation.
Think about...

  • What events led to this mediation?
  • What issues are involved in this dispute?
  • What do you want to accomplish through this mediation?
  • What do you want included in an agreement?
  • Asks similar questions of all parties
  • Leaves solutions to the participants
  • Encourages using additional resources as needed.


  • Assures your confidentiality
  • Looks to your future
  • Uncovers issues behind your conflict
  • Discusses points of disagreement and agreement
  • Lets you determine the outcome
  • Respects everyone’s opinion
  • Is free of charge
Housing Mediation Services

To schedule an appointment please call 513-751-2567 and leave a message. A FHMS representative will return your call within 2 business days.

Video Spotlights Housing Rights for Families

Since the Reagan administration, families with children have been protected from discrimination under the federal Fair Housing Act. Unfortunately many landlords and property managers are either unaware or unaccepting of the requirements the law places on them. With this short, fun video, HOME spotlights some of the methods used to discourage families seeking housing. We hope you enjoy this slightly over-the-top video and share it with your friends. To view, click here.